Just for you this Christmas
– the gift of love
Going through some old files recently, we came across a letter written by one of the boys who grew up here a long time ago.
What he said felt like a gift of love … to our staff and to generous supporters like you. Because our work is only possible if everyone plays their part.
This is what he said:
We want you to know that the work you do matters more than you will ever know. We recognise the sacrifices that you make, and ask that you continue:
- To notice us often and take joy in our existence – and we shall grow up knowing that we are special, and help others to feel the same.
- To listen to us with empathy and an open, loving heart – and we shall know that we are seen and heard, and grow to be good listeners ourselves.
- To teach us to be disciplined, and correct us with kindness – and we shall lead a life of dignity, with the pride of self-respect.
- To allow room for us to grow, to make mistakes, and have opinions – and we shall learn to be independent and trust our own judgement when we are on our own.
- To encourage us to be honest and live your highest values – and we shall grow to have integrity.
- To teach us to be of service, and honour the differences in others – and we shall learn generosity of spirit, and embrace all walks of life.
- To teach us to have faith in troubled times – and we shall learn to be optimistic, with gratitude for each new day.
- To love us without condition, through our ups and downs – and we shall know that we are cherished, and bring more love to the world.
- To equip us with roots to which we anchor ourselves, and wings with which we soar to our destiny.
- And always remember that you are our ultimate role models. Your every word and action has an effect on who we become.
Our staff will be on duty all through the Christmas holidays, doing what needs to be done to continue this labour of love for children who depend on us to help them grow into happy, responsible and successful young adults.
Please will you make your special festive contribution now to ensure that we can continue to provide the material necessities of life – food, shelter, health and an education – as well as a few small extra treats to make Christmas special.
Thank you for standing beside us, and helping us help children who’ve been neglected, abandoned and abused in the past.
May your own Christmas be filled with love, peace and joy.

children deserve to be safe & happy

But it’s not a perfect world.
The Durban Child & Youth Care Centre strives to give children who’ve been orphaned, abandoned, neglected or abused, another chance of a happy childhood. We provide a safe home, all the daily necessities, education and encouragement to help them develop into healthy, well-adjusted kids.
Wherever possible, we work with the family to enable children to return home. Because every child needs a place to belong.

In mid 2018, South Africa was home to 19.7 million children under the age of 18
Of these:
million orphans
million dependent on grants
thousand live in
child only households
live below
the poverty line

Up to 60 boys and girls, between the ages of 2-18, live in three units. They attend local schools and receive counseling, remedial teaching, therapy and other activities designed to encourage them to develop skills, talents and confidence.
This is a home for 14 children suffering from chronic life threatening illnesses (mainly HIV) and disabilities. We focus on their emotional, spiritual and medical care. Wherever possible, families are encouraged to be involved.
Professional support to other child & youth care centres, the National Association of Child Care Workers, Regional Youth Forum, etc.
Up to 60 boys and girls, between the ages of 2-18, live in three units. They attend local schools and receive counseling, remedial teaching, therapy and other activities designed to encourage them to develop skills, talents and confidence.
This is a home for 14 children suffering from chronic life threatening illnesses (mainly HIV) and disabilities. We focus on their emotional, spiritual and medical care. Wherever possible, families are encouraged to be involved.
Professional support to other child & youth care centres, the National Association of Child Care Workers, Regional Youth Forum, etc.
Play your part
Although we receive a government subsidy for each child, this is nowhere near the real cost of caring.
Your donation helps provide food, shelter, education, medical care and the therapeutic programmes
these children need to overcome their unhappy past and develop into confident, happy young people.

Gifts in Kind
We appreciate donations of non-perishable food items, clothing and toiletries. Please contact us for a list of our most pressing needs.
Get a MySchool Card
Choose the Durban Child & Youth Care Centre as the beneficiary of your MySchool card and help raise funds every time you swipe the card.
Helping with homework, mentoring older children and sewing clothes are just some of the ways you can make a difference.
Provide a regular monthly service like removal of garden refuse, or general maintenance like replacing light bulbs and tap washers.
Fundraise for us
Run a marathon and ask your friends to sponsor you … or ask for donations to DCYCC in lieu of birthday or Christmas gifts.
Set up a monthly payment
Even small donations – made regularly every month by debit order or recurring EFT – add up to a whole lot of help.
Leave a bequest
One sentence in your will could make a lasting impact on a child’s life – and costs you nothing right now!
Sponsor a child
Contribute towards the cost of caring for one child, with a regular monthly donation towards food, clothing, education and medical bills.

Message from the Director – Mandy Goble
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