All children are unique in their own way, and one of our top priorities as care givers is to identify and nurture those qualities that make our children who they are. It’s not as easy as it sounds, especially because life is full of obstacles that cause challenges. Yet in so many ways, it is simpler than we think. Embracing your child for who they are is one of the greatest gifts you can give him or her.

Just like crayons in a box, each child has their own colour that contributes to the big picture of life. Children are individuals and no two are alike: physically, emotionally, socially, and intellectually, each child is a unique being. Whilst we must recognise the common needs and characteristics of the various developmental stages, as care givers we must take the time to understand and respect their uniqueness and individuality.

I recently came across this video on YouTube. Now bear with me, at first it seemed a bit silly, but you will notice how it promotes individuality and uniqueness. It’s actually a fun and creative exercise to do with your child. You will both learn something new about each other and most importantly you will have fun!

If your interest has been piqued, please use this video link –

While it is important to teach respect for each person’s individuality, there are things a child is not going to want to do, even if it is good for them.

In this instance I want to share the following 5 helpful steps of an article UNICEF had shared on how to discipline your child in a smart and healthy way.

  1. Plan 1-on-1 time
  2. Praise the positives
  3. Set clear expectations
  4. Distract creatively
  5. Use calm consequences

Here are some useful ideas on how to encourage your child to ‘shine for who they are’;

  1. Allow your child to choose his/her own extracurricular activities.
  2. Give him/her space to pick what they what to wear from the cupboard, within reason of course😊.
  3. Encourage body autonomy, your child must learn that his/her body belongs to him/her alone.
  4. Create a safe emotional space in which your child can express his/her feelings.
  5. Help your child view their mistakes as learning opportunities
  6. Keep your own self-esteem issues in check.
  7. Cultivate an attitude that embrace and celebrates ‘differences’!
