Keeping sane while helping your child prepare for the exams
Exam fever is upon us! If you have children at school, you will recognise the symptoms. Sleepless nights, fits of irritation followed by cold sweats, a hoarse voice, as you do everything in your power to encourage, motivate and...
Helping Young People make wise choices when it comes to social media
Few of us can claim to be unaware of the powerful influence of social media. With so many social media platforms available these days it is so easy for young people to get lost in the myriads of options to connect with different...
Dyslexia; what is it and how we can help!
What is Dyslexia? Depending on one’s exposure to this condition, or lack thereof, the response may be accurate or reflect one of the commonly held myths. Some of the myths that one may have heard are that Dyslexia is a reading...
Encouraging creativity in children through Arts and Craft
Did you know that exposure to Arts and Craft is one of the best ways to boost a child’s creativity. Keeping our children busy and stimulated means that we’re always looking for interesting activities for them to do. So, with it...
Child Protection Month 2024
The month of May is National Child Protection Month. It is commemorated in our country annually to raise awareness of the rights of children. Protecting children from violence, neglect, exploitation, and abuse isn’t just...
A call to action – Raising awareness of girls and boys affected by Sexual Violence
Recent years have seen an increase in the reporting of incidents of crimes against children, especially of sexual abuse. Should we be alarmed? Well, I am certain that we would all agree that children being hurt in any shape or...
Awareness on managing Pink Eye
KZN has been challenged with an escalating outbreak of Pink Eye over the past two months. The Department of Health reported that at least 161 cases a day are being reported, with the number of confirmed cases reaching over 1,000...
“You have the power to change your story, no matter what page you’re on.”
The wonderful response we received through likes and shares to a quote we posted on our Facebook page about a week ago, made us decide to dedicate this month’s blog post to the topic. “You have the power to change your story, no...
Vision to Reality…Do you have a Vision Board?
Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others – Johnathan Swift Have you noticed how one can move through seasons of just bobbing along….just bobbing along carried this way and that way by the currents of life or just...
Festive Season: Reunified with family or Remaining at the Child and Youth Care Centre
At the core of what we at DCYCC stand for, is a deep and abiding belief that ‘’a child develops best within the loving support of family, and if possible, the first choice should be the child’s own biological family’’....