Career guidance

Career guidance

Career guidance is a process that helps children make informed decisions about their career paths. It is a reality that many children find themselves in a state of panic when faced with having to make important decisions, especially one that will set their life on a specific path. Generally, advice is sought from parents, teachers, and friends before deciding on taking any action. Since choosing a career, is one of the most important decisions your child can make in life, it is important that this process is approached sensibly.

We currently have two matriculants in our organisation. One of them is confident and sure about his career path, while the other is perplexed and confused about what he should do. Our Social Workers have been spending focussed time with each of them, offering them guidance, discussing available opportunities and support as they plan for this next phase in their lives.

The sad reality is that many of our children come from disadvantaged backgrounds. When families are struggling to survive from one day to the next, discussions on planning for the future just don’t happen. Here at Durban Child and Youth Care Centre we have the wonderful privilege of being able to encourage our children to dream big, and to think about what it is they would like to be when they grow up. Career guidance should be a process, not an event, as such we start guidance children from an early age. We design and implement activities that help them understand their strengths and weaknesses and then match them with their skills and interests to help make this process more manageable for them.

These are some tips that you may find helpful when you assist your child decide on his/her career path:

  1. Help them discover and enhance their personal strengths.
  2. Assure them that this is a journey, that they shouldn’t compare themselves with others; so not to be hard on themselves if they are struggling to figure out the what, where and how.
  3. Look for volunteer and learnership opportunities. It’s a practical way to gain experience and insight into a particular industry or field of work.
  4. Encourage them to always dream big and have big goals.
  5. Help them break the big goals into achievable steps.
  6. And most importantly remind them that there is more than one path to arriving at their destination.



The beauty of the world lies in the diversity of its people

The beauty of the world lies in the diversity of its people

Heritage Day is celebrated now during the month of September. A day when the vibrancy of cultures that is our South African nation, commemorate the diversity of beliefs and traditions that defines a culture. This celebration is about all of us learning about, respecting, and appreciating our own cultures and the culture of others.

Here at DCYCC we hold an Annual Heritage Day Celebration. Our children are encouraged to express their culture through song, dance, and poetry. As time draws closer to the function, the excitement builds. Our child care team sit and develop a ‘taster menu’. This menu offers a range of cultural foods for our children to enjoy; there’s coleslaw, breyani, madumbe, samoosa’s, tripe……it’s an extensive array of tantalising   cultural dishes.

Whilst awareness of one’s culture is important for the development of identity, within the multicultural environment of our programme we see how children embrace their own customs and traditions, but also show a keen interest in those of the children they share their ‘temporary’ home with.

I recently sat and spoke with our teenage boys, a group representing all shades and backgrounds, and asked what was needed for them to live in harmony, the unanimous reply was – respect, kindness, communication, and a positive attitude.  If only us adults could see our diversity through the eyes of our country’s children – oh how wonderful it would be!

Wishing you and your families a vibrant and enriching Heritage Day!

Effective parenting in the 21st Century: Part 2

Effective parenting in the 21st Century: Part 2

Last month we looked at effective parenting in the 21st century. This month we continue with effective parenting looking at practical ways to deal with common behaviours we contend with from our children. If you are hoping for a step-by-step guide, you will be disappointed. The reality is that when it comes to parenting techniques there is no one size fits all approach. Your child is unique. It was Pablo Casals who said, “A child must know that he is a miracle, that since the beginning of the world there hasn’t been, and until the end of the world there will not be, another child like him.”

Children communicate through behaviour. This is how they express their needs, fears, frustrations, and longings. When we recognise this, we can begin to look for the cause of the behaviour and respond. By doing this, we teach children how to self-regulate behaviour. And as with anything in life, if we want to see positive change, we must be consistent over time. So instead of just throwing our hands in the air or resorting to harsh disciplinary measure, or labelling behaviour that challenges us as ‘problem behaviour, we can adjust our responses and assist our children recognise what is ‘fuelling’ their behaviour. L.R Knost said, “Discipline is helping a child solve a problem. Punishment is making a child suffer for having a problem. To raise problem solvers, focus on solutions, not retribution.”

The key to disciplining is to clearly communicate in advance to your child your expectations of behaviour and consequences if the expectations are not met, and then to be consistent with following through with the consequences. When communicated in a respectful manner that reflects the love and concern you have for your child, you are more likely to yield positive outcomes. So, stay calm, tell them why the behaviour is unacceptable, referring to the expectations previously set and what the consequence will be if they are not willing to make the right choice. Encourage your child to talk about what they are feeling, so that you can try to understand why they are behaving in a particular way. There will be wins but expect loses. You can tip the balance in the favour of wins, by being alert to good behaviour. Catch them being good and let them know what you saw and heard and how proud you are of the positive choice they made.


Effective parenting in the 21st Century: Part 2

Effective parenting in the 21st Century

Isn’t it interesting how almost every type of job requires some form of training, whether it be in the form of formal qualification or on the job training; except for parenting! And make no mistake, parenting is a full-time job and a difficult one at that. Without the necessary knowledge and skill, it can be fraught with challenges.

Over the years parenting styles have changed, as have the pressures parents and children face on a day-to-day basis. Societal norms have shifted affecting our way of living, and this has occurred throughout the world. Just a few decades ago it was common for only one parent to work while the other stayed at home caring for the children. Today however, due to several factors, it has become a necessity for both parents to work. This has made it increasingly difficult for parents to find a balance between their children and work.

Balance is defined as, ‘a situation in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions.’ How do we create this equilibrium? Is it even possible in this day and age? Well, as with most challenges in life, if we don’t address the issue and make an effort, it is unlikely that change will happen. Creating a structured routine at home, supported by effective communication and discipline is a good starting point.

Stressed out and tired parents can find disciplining their child difficult, but take heart, you are not alone as this is one of the most common problems parents face. A structured routine means that every member of the family has responsibilities, every person contributes towards the smooth running of the routine. Know responsibilities or chores need to be age appropriate; a two-year-old can put his/her soiled clothes into the washing basket at bath time, while a 12-year-old can carry the bin bag outside to the dustbin.

From a young age we need to involve our children in the daily rhythm of life as it plays out in our family. This creates a strong sense of belonging and instils self-discipline. We want our children to feel proud of their space and their accomplishments as contributors to the family. You might be saying to yourself right now, ‘well it’s too late now, I have teenagers’, but no, it’s never too late. The amazing thing about us humans is that we can change!

Don’t miss our next post! We will be looking at practical ways to deal with common behaviours from children that parents often struggle with.

Is your heart where your treasure lies?

Is your heart where your treasure lies?

Matthew 6:21 says, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”. I love this verse from the Bible. What it means is, that my time, attention, actions and energy are focused on whatever I value above all else. Have you stopped recently to ask yourself what treasure is stored in your heart?

Young people are developmentally wired to seek new experiences — and if provided with thoughtful guidance, the search for new experiences may be the key to helping them develop a sense of purpose in life. Since June is now known as Youth Month, we have decided to dedicate our blog to encourage our youth find their purpose in life.

The dictionary defines purpose as, ‘the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc.’ It can also mean something set up as an object or end to be attained, so why we do something or why something exists.

The development of purpose is interlinked with the development of identity. You must be able to first understand who you are before you can discover what you are meant to be or do. A wise person once told me that, “When identity is questioned then unbelief is born.” The companions of unbelief are anxiety and stress, which lead to confusion. Here at DCYCC we often see young people struggling to discover who they are and questioning why they were even born. Sadly, many allow their past, present, and anticipated future to determine their identity. This is of course a faulty belief, one perpetuated throughout society. We are determined to ensure that they are imbued with the confidence to rise above their circumstance, both past and present and to determine that they will not allow their situation to define who they are.

History is peppered with powerful stories of how people defied laws, limitations, cultural expectations, gender restrictions, etc, and rose above the challenges, and went on to achieve their purpose. Nelson Mandela’s life is one such example that continues to inspire. Finding purpose brings direction, and the confidence to achieve great success in life.

South Africa has come such a long way since 16 June 1976, a day etched in our history, because of the bravery of those young people who found their purpose and were prepared to give their lives for what they believed in.cWe are proud of the many successful stories of our young people and workers who have risen above their challenges and found purpose in life, embracing both the sweet and the bitter phases of their life’s journey.

Below are some inspiring stories that reflect of the outcome when young people set their heart on something, stay focused and achieve remarkable success.

Broken crayons can still colour | Durban Child & Youth Care Centre (

Hard work and determination the key to Ntombenhle’s success (

Whose business is child abuse?

Stories of a child being abused in some shape or form is reported across all media and social platforms in our country daily. The stories range from truly horrific to……actually, let us be clear….abuse of any form is equally horrific. The physical wounds may heal, in some cases not fully, however the emotional wounds run deep, forever changing the way a child views the world around him or her and his or her place in that world.

We live in a country where figures of reported cases of child abuse are ridiculously high. How did we get to this place? And how can we be part of the change needed to create a world that our children feel safe in.

So, what are the forms of abuse?
Physical Abuse – intentional or careless causing of physical harm.
Emotional/Psychological Abuse – persistent verbal attacks, threats, rejection, isolation, belittling and name calling.
Neglect – failure to provide for basic needs.
Domestic Violence – exposure to emotional threats of or use of physical violence between family members.
Sexual Abuse – the use of power, force or authority to involve a child in any form of sexual behaviour.

The Children’s Amendment Act (13) mandates a wide range of professionals to report any suspicion of child abuse to the authorities. In terms of section 110, ordinary citizens are given the discretion to report abuse but are not compelled to do so. However, the Sexual Offences Act, (14) compels all citizens who are aware of the sexual exploitation of children to report the offence to the police. When must do the right thing. Reporting could very well save a child’s life.

The following are some of the signs that may indicate that a child is experiencing some form of abuse;
1. Changes in behaviour; appears scared, anxious, depressed, withdrawn or more aggressive than usual.
2. Reverting to earlier behaviours; thumb sucking, bedwetting, fear of the dark, or fear of strangers.
3. Fear of going home; apprehension or anxiety to leave school or going places with the person who is abusing them or exhibits an unusual fear of a familiar person or place.
4. Changes in eating; stress, fear, and anxiety can lead to changes in eating behaviour
5. Changes in sleeping; frequent nightmares or difficulty falling asleep, appearing tired or fatigued.
6. Changes in school performance and attendance; difficulty concentrating in school or excessive absences, sometimes due to adults trying to hide the child’s injuries from authorities.
7. Lack of personal care or hygiene; appears uncared for, presents as consistently dirty and has severe body odour, or lacks sufficient clothing for the weather.
8. Risk-taking behaviours; engages in high-risk activities such as drugs and/or alcohol use and/or carrying a weapon.
9. Inappropriate sexual behaviours; exhibits overly sexualized behaviour or uses explicit sexual language and may exhibit symptoms of a genital infection.
10. Unexplained injuries; exhibits unexplained burns or bruises in the shape of objects with unconvincing explanations of how he or she sustained the injury.