These two young men are proof that your past doesn’t define you … it just tells your story of strength and courage!
20 year old Jacob came into our care in 2017. He was a victim of abuse and needed a place of safety. During the six years he’s been with us, he has grown into an honest, respectful and responsible young man.
However, Jacob was really worried about the future. He was concerned about what would happen to him when he completed matric and had to strike out on his own. So anxious and stressed was he, that he was unable to concentrate on his school work, and failed the first three terms of matric. His teachers and the school principal were really concerned about him. But our social worker and child care team kept encouraging him and did their best to create an environment in which he could learn and believe in himself.
Complete turnaround
And, in the final term, to everyone’s surprise, he did a complete turnaround. Jacob regained his focus, worked hard and studied!
Today he holds his matric certificate with so much pride and joy. It’s a tangible symbol of how he overcame his challenges and went on to succeed. As for the future, he no longer fears it. Because, this bright young man successfully applied for, and was accepted into a hospitality learnership programme with the Protea Hotel Institute. Hospitality is his passion, so this is really a dream come true for him.
Solomon – also aged 20 years – came into our care in 2022 as a troubled young man. He had hoped to be adopted, but the process broke down. So he quit school, joined a gang and started taking drugs. In just two years, with intervention, therapy and counselling, Solomon has transformed into the respectable young man he is today.
Although Solomon is reserved and doesn’t speak much, when he does it’s usually something wise and profound.
Like Jacob, Solomon also has a passion for Hospitality. He will be starting a Hotel Management Course soon, and he is determined not to let his past define his future. He worked hard and proved that anything is possible if you believe!