Over the past few months the DCYCC has been a hive of activity. It has been an incredibly busy time with much happening. Along with the daily demands of providing holistic care to 82 children, we have also had to contend with some unexpected, and in some cases extraordinary, challenges that have stretched us as never before. There were many times when we were keenly aware that God’s grace had carried us through the day.
Albert Einstein said, “In the middle of a difficulty lies opportunity’’. However, recognising opportunity when confronted by difficulties is easier said than done! Fortunately, DCYCC has over time, developed a team of people with the ability to hold steady at the peak of the storm, recognise the opportunity within the challenge and press forward with new learning.
Our children coped admirably during this time, completing the 2nd term of the 2019 academic year and participating in a myriad of activities. Without realising it, they encourage us to keep focussed on our mission.
When one pauses to consider the mammoth obstacles they have faced and continue to face on a daily basis, one cannot but be both encouraged and humbled by their courage. So we look to the remainder of the year with a resolve to focus on the possibilities.