At this time when our President has announced a National State of Disaster in respect of COVID-19 the management of the Durban Child & Youth Care Centre has implemented urgent and drastic measures to protect the children in our care and the employees who provide them with 24 hour care. The following measures will apply until the present State of Disaster has been uplifted.
- All activities facilitated by volunteers are suspended.
- Site visits by any member of the public will not be allowed.
- As far as possible we request that contact with the centre be limited to electronic contact. Where this is not possible please report to reception and adhere to the infection control measures communicated to you by the receptionist.
- Contact by parents, extended family members and host parents will be limited to telephonic contact.
- Holiday placements for all children are cancelled.
- Children on 5-day or 10-day programmes are not to be allowed to leave the facility for weekend visits to family/community.
Our employees have been informed of the above precautionary measures and have been authorised to enforce these measures.
We trust that you will support our efforts as we strive to protect our children and employees.
Psalm 37:5 ‘Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him, and He will help you.’
Yours sincerely,
Mrs A Goble